Results for Presidential Spring Election
Tuesday, April 2, 2024
Showing results only for the precinct: C/Nekoosa W1-4.
Presidential Preference Vote (Vote for ONE)
Candidate |
Votes |
Democratic (Democratic) |
108 |
Republican (Republican) |
249 |
DEM US President (Vote for ONE)
Candidate |
Votes |
Joe Biden (Democratic) |
125 |
Dean Phillips (Democratic) |
5 |
Uninstructed Delegation (Democratic) |
5 |
REP US President (Vote for ONE)
Candidate |
Votes |
Chris Christie (Republican) |
6 |
Vivek Ramaswamy (Republican) |
2 |
Ron DeSantis (Republican) |
15 |
Nikki Haley (Republican) |
27 |
Donald Trump (Republican) |
251 |
Uninstructed Delegation (Republican) |
7 |
Court of Appeals Judge, Dist 4 (Vote for ONE)
Candidate |
Votes |
JoAnne Kloppenburg |
339 |
Circuit Court Judge, Branch 2 (Vote for ONE)
Candidate |
Votes |
Nicholas J. Brazeau, Jr. |
356 |
County Supervisor Dist 18 (Vote for ONE)
Candidate |
Votes |
Brad R Hamilton |
348 |
Mayor Nekoosa (Vote for ONE)
Candidate |
Votes |
Alan K. Marcoux |
187 |
Daniel J. Carlson |
262 |
Alderperson Dist 1 Nekoosa (Vote for ONE)
Candidate |
Votes |
Larry G. Krubsack |
116 |
Alderperson Dist 2 Nekoosa (Vote for ONE)
Candidate |
Votes |
Michael G. Kumm |
58 |
Alderperson Dist 3 Nekoosa (Vote for ONE)
Candidate |
Votes |
Anthony W. Carlson |
96 |
Alderperson Dist 4 Nekoosa (Vote for ONE)
Candidate |
Votes |
Garett N. Kuhn |
87 |
School Bd Member Nekoosa SD (Vote for not more than TWO)
Candidate |
Votes |
Cody Przybylski |
274 |
Mark Lochner |
324 |
School Bd Member Port Edwards SD (Vote for ONE)
Candidate |
Votes |
John H Daven |
0 |
State Question #1 (Vote for ONE)
QUESTION 1: “Use of private funds in election administration. Shall section 7 (1) of article III of the constitution be created to provide that private donations and grants may not be applied for, accepted, expended, or used in connection with the conduct of any primary, election, or referendum?”
Choice |
Votes |
Yes |
275 |
No |
159 |
State Question #2 (Vote for ONE)
QUESTION 2: “Election officials. Shall section 7 (2) of article III of the constitution be created to provide that only election officials designated by law may perform tasks in the conduct of primaries, elections, and referendums?”
Choice |
Votes |
Yes |
305 |
No |
131 |
PE School Question #1 (Vote for ONE)
"Shall the School District of Port Edwards, Wood County, Wisconsin be authorized to exceed the revenue limit specified in Section 121.91, Wisconsin Statutes, by $850,000 per year for five years, beginning with the 2024-2025 school year and ending with the 2028-2029 school year, for non-recurring purposes consisting of operational and maintenance expenses?"
PE School Question #2 (Vote for ONE)
"Shall the School District of Port Edwards, Wood County, Wisconsin be authorized to issue pursuant to Chapter 67 of the Wisconsin Statutes, general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $7,300,000 for the public purpose of paying the cost of a district-wide school facility improvement project consisting of: renovations, building infrastructure, capital maintenance and heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) improvements; safety and security upgrades; and acquisition of furnishings, fixtures and equipment?"